Moving In With a Partner; Romantic or Practical?

I never thought I’d do it out of practicality.

Viola Geena
Writers’ Blokke


A Happy heterosexual Couple Sitting on a Couch. The man is on his smart phone and the woman is reading a book.
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

When I was a kid, I always associated couples who lived together with marriage.

It actually blew my mind when I heard about couples living together that weren’t married (or weren’t yet married). That’s legal? You can do that?

Once I got older and started seeing my friends move in with their significant others, it started to seem more normal. Now, it blows my mind when I hear about people around my age waiting until marriage to move in together. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but it’s unusual nowadays.

I always knew that I would want to move in with someone before getting married, but I also anticipated that it would be a step towards marriage, not something I fell into.

Covid bent the rules, apparently.

I met my boyfriend on a dating app about a month and a half before the initial Covid lockdown in March 2020.

When the lockdown happened, I panicked. I wasn’t sure what was going to close or how strictly the government would enforce the restrictions.

One thing was for sure, and that was that I needed to keep seeing my boyfriend…



Viola Geena
Writers’ Blokke

Canadian writer who happens to be a violist in a symphony orchestra. All opinions are my own. Twitter: @violageena