Music To My Ears

Do you listen to music while you work?

Bob Jasper
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Maybe you should. A study found

Nine out of 10 workers perform better when listening to music, . . . [and] 88pc of participants in the study produced their most accurate test results . . . [while] 81pc completed their fastest work when music was playing.

Sometimes I listen while I read or write.

I love having music on while I’m doing mundane tasks like washing dishes. I usually command “Alexa” to play “Music from the Fifties.” Those tunes take me back to my childhood and memories of my mother standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes. Sometimes, back then, unless I had a lot of homework (she insisted that come first), I would help her by drying them.

My mother like music from the 40s and 50s. One of her favorite groups was The Sons of the Pioneers. I remember hearing them sing “Cool Water” and “Tumbling Tumbleweed.”

We often listened to the radio while doing our chores. The only radio station with good reception was our town’s small station KSUE, 1240 on the radio dial. They played the “Oldies” (which weren’t oldies back then).

When I worked in a corporate environment, like all the other writers, I wore headphones with my favorite classical music station (KSJN) tuned in. The music played by that…



Bob Jasper
Writers’ Blokke

My Muse is in hiding, but we cross paths from time to time. I think I gave the old guy too much grief. Maybe he quit without notice.