Musings About Music

Lakshmi Shree
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2022
(Credits: Facebook)

Music can name the unnameable

Express the inexpressible

Touch every heart and soul

Fulfilling its ultimate goal

A magical force which heals broken hearts

Seals doors of grief

Brings smiles to lips

Forces the clouds to pour

Soothing, melodious yet powerful

Making every sound heard blissful

Connecting with every god’s creation

Thus, praising the creator himself

Well, so much for trying my hands at poetry .I have always wanted to share what music means to me and I figured out that this is one of the best ways.

Music can touch ones heart, bring happiness and peace and also pump up their attitude. It is an incredible force which unites people. It is that one thing which is magical and comes to light when words fail.

Its origin being hundreds of centuries ago, it is one of the best inventions of human so far. The researches in this field continue, as newer and newer forms of music are being discovered. It is also one of the best ways to communicate with animals. Coming to the point, I cannot imagine a life without music! Like Books, Music has always been my best friend and needless to say that it has always been my side no matter what mood I am. My love for music is endless, irrespective of its form. It is one of the best things in this world to have faith in.

I strong believe that Music is a universal language without any rules and syntax, created for the betterment of every soul on this planet

