My 5 Best Time-Saving Tips for Writing!

I Love to Be Efficient when I Work!

Un Swede Svensson
Writers’ Blokke


watch-sand-beach — Un Swede
Time — Photo by Arissu | Freepik

You can’t buy time or save it, common idioms notwithstanding. You can only spend it.

Eric Zorn

In All My Work, I Love to Be Efficient

That, of course, includes knowing what you learned from your past.

It is also working with the right tools that help you use less time.

Now I have been writing around 80+ stories on Medium, so I made a few discoveries on saving time.

I want to share them, do you want to see them?

If you want to use some, then you are free to do it.

Let us have a look as a team!

On any given day, I’m likely to be working at home, hunched over this keyboard, typing Great Thoughts and Beautiful Sentences — or so they seem at the time, like those beautifully flecked and iridescent stones one finds at the seashore that gradually dry into dull gray pebbles.

Michael Dirda

#1 — Use the Keyboard Shortcuts

I prefer to have all my titles and subtitles in Titelcase.



Un Swede Svensson
Writers’ Blokke

I write to you, experiences from my work with management, coding, startups, and as icing on the cake, some of my life lessons.