My Daughter Came Out At Ten

And now, for her, I will be grand marshal of the gay parade

Kylie Craft
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Steve Johnson via Unsplash

She had her little friend come over and they asked me to enter her room. She took me into the corner and she was shaking. After a moment she said, “Would you hate me if I liked girls?”

Of course I was shocked. At 10, the only thing I liked was dogs and books. Of course, I also hadn’t started my period yet so I didn’t have the hormones flowing through me that she does. I responded, there is nothing on the planet that would ever make me hate you. And loving someone is never bad. And then proceeded to name all the people that I’m friends with that were gay. And then I moved onto athletes. Then I moved on to people I just speculated might be. Just kidding, I didn’t do that last one.

Photo via Unsplash

I reassured her that no matter what she decided to do regarding her love life, her family will always support her. Beyond that, I really didn’t know what to do.

Tears fell down her cheeks with relief at my response. And she did it did it again and again with her brothers’ support and her sister’s support. One by one, she made the decision to call every family member and everyone…

