My Favorite Recent Medium Articles

A round-up of some great reads

Steffany Ritchie
Writers’ Blokke


A boxer dog wearing a superhero (Superman) costume.
Photo by Elias Castillo on Unsplash

I have read a few of these “Best of Medium” type of round-ups and enjoyed them, I don’t know about you but I can use all the time saving I can get when it comes to discovering writers here at Medium.

I am (mostly) singling out writers who in my opinion should be more read because they have moved me in some way with the quality and delivery of their writing. As a new writer here myself (I joined in late July 2021) I am still finding my way around Medium, and it’s great to see so much inspiring writing exists if you stumble upon or search it out in lesser populated spaces.

Without further ado, here are some of my favorite reads.

James Lanternman’s American Werewolf in London deep-dive review popped up in my feed because I follow a few film tags. I appreciate this review’s nuanced look at what makes a popular classic in the genre so good:

“Throughout the story a message to “live carefully” echoes and repeats, like the howls of the wolfman carried over the otherwise tranquil



Steffany Ritchie
Writers’ Blokke

Hi, I write memoir, humor, music, and pop culture. American in Scotland.