My Fiance and I Don’t Talk Anymore

And it’s okay.

Rachel Greenberg
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

You know those exciting, tumultuous, dramatic relationships you see in the movies? The ones that vacillate between screaming matches, crying fits, and romantic, candlelit dinners? Think movies like The Notebook. I had that. And you want to know the truth about those relationships? They’re exhausting.

But some people don’t mind being exhausted.

My real problem with those relationships?

They’re high maintenance.

And perhaps, if you have little else to spend your time on, sure, a hot and heavy, up-and-down relationship that goes from piping hot to freezing cold and back on repeat, 24/7/365, just might be the thing for you. But personally, I just don’t have time for it. Or should I say, I don’t make time for it?

Back when I was in college, on the prowl for my first “real” relationship (a.k.a. desperate), I operated under the fallacy that I was supposed to mold my life and priorities around a relationship. That actually sounds laughable right now.

I’m supposed to fit myself and my goals around this other thing — this fickle thing, with this dramatic person, in the hopes that it all works out and I can fit myself into his happily ever after…assuming he doesn’t change his mind, mid-course?



Rachel Greenberg
Writers’ Blokke

Wall Street Investment Banker → Entrepreneur & Startup Consultant. “Top 10 Entrepreneurs of 2020” Yahoo Finance. CEO of Beta Bowl. Mom of 3 furbabies ❤