My First Blue Checkmark on Twitter

Now I feel like a legit writer

Rosa CP
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
1 min readJun 25, 2024


Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash

I passed the review exam. After purchasing X premium to get my blue checkmark. I’m very excited to begin writing after learning how to best market my writing. Hopefully, I can study the types of articles I could best publish to my Substack as I want to niche down into food writing for health and wellness. It seems a lucrative opportunity and a great way to go freelance with Substack. I wondered how I could use Google Ads then later learned about Twitter Ads in my marketing certificate. I’m excited to see how the next few months will go as growing an audience will be a process for me.

I think I might focus on writing my book in the meantime as I’m spending the summer in the tropical rainforest.

I don’t like being on TikTok Live very much.



Rosa CP
Writers’ Blokke

Medium Verified Book Author| Freelance Writer at | Lifestyle | Wix Studio Web Designer | Artist | Photographer