My Medium Money?

What I wanted vs What I Got

Writers’ Blokke
2 min readMay 9, 2021



Finally, I got some time to write an article on my favorite platform. Last month, I had exams so I was unable to write on Medium. But, let me tell you that writing on Medium gives me a special kind of happiness that nothing else can ever give me.

As 90% of writers on Medium know that, writing about Medium topic means Medium Workers won’t promote this Article, and the Reach of this Article will be quite less. But Who Cares?

For People who are here only to read about how much I earned last month. Then, it was around $50. Now, these people can happily close this article and others who are interested in knowing more about my money can continue reading…

Why I need Money

Most readers will not be knowing that I am still a student and I still have 1 year left for my Graduation. So, before ending my College Life I really want those New Apple iPad to take notes while my teacher is teaching me through Zoom Calls.

Like, 90% of my classmates have a new iPad and I am the only one who takes notes using Pen and Paper. It really gets hard to manage each and every paper which I have used to write notes : (

So, I am saving 80% of my Medium Money to Buy Myself an iPad Pro. I hope in the next 6 months, I will manage to buy it.

The remaining 20% is used to pay my share of the WIFI bill. We share WIFI in 4 people and it is really more convenient than buying a separate WIFI connection.

I know this article is kind of boring and It has nothing to do with anything in your life. But, I was really happy to write an article and I can’t think of writing any other topic and It is my first article of this month.

In the next article, I would be writing about How to deal with Depression and Boredom. So, Stay Tuned…

This article Shout out Goes to Adam J. Cheshier. If you want to get a shout out then just follow me or like this article.

Let’s Play Truth Or Dare

Choose Any of the following

Truth — What was the Most Awkward situation in your life?

Dare — Go to any random person in your family/house and say “Abra Ka Dabra I just Shrunked that Pasta” and literally walk away from them without responding.

Let me know your response — you can leave a comment here or message me privately at

Bye! See you later Amigos.



Writers’ Blokke

Top Writer with 1 M+ views. Subscribe to my official email list | I write about Programming and Technology