Now is the Time

Ally Cabahug
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
6 min readMay 18, 2020

Develop and improve skills now!

Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

We currently have a lot of time. With this pandemic going on, we should stay in our house for our safety. If you’re a person who has online meetings and you don’t have free time, I don’t believe you. Everyone can make time for themselves. We control our own life. If we apply time management in our daily lives, we would have free time that we didn’t expect we had. Don’t let other people control your life. You know what you want. You know what area you are talented in.

Most of us are busy with our life. It can be because of school or a job. Sometimes, we are incurious about the activities we do. Our skills do not correspond to them. Most of the time, society forces us to do things we are not interested in. Society says that being educated by going to school or college will make you the successful person you want to be. For some people, it is true. But it is not for everyone.

Dreams and talents are wasted because people or even families don’t believe in their success. Don’t be one of them. Follow your dreams and never give up. Anyone can be successful. Anyone can learn through the process.

We are now in a pandemic, where the government forces us to stay indoors for our safety. Because of this, school, jobs, etc. are canceled. Probably, some of us have online jobs or schools. But for the others, they have nothing to do. I am one of those people who has nothing to do.

Things take time. Specifically, good things take time. It is a process. Your process. You can develop in any pace. That is the magic of learning or developing, we have our unique ways or methods. It is on your journey on how you will find yours.

I read How-To articles a lot, and they help me. It teaches me the basics and mistakes to avoid. But there are always somethings that you can’t learn without experiencing it. It is never too late. You can start now.

You won’t see progress now, but when you continue on your journey you will look back and see how far you’ve come. You would thank yourself for taking those steps.

Photo by Hannah Jacobson on Unsplash

Why now is the time to get something out of your system?


Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better. – Albert Camus

We currently have no excuse to not start something. Maybe if you wanted to go surf boarding, you’re not really allowed to do that. Stay indoors, people.

Now is the chance for us to think of unique and brand new ideas that the world would want to see. We now have the time. Thinking of ideas for your goal is like taking tiny baby steps. But remember, those tiny baby steps counts because when it all comes together, it can become miles when you have patience and perseverance.

Everything’s in the mind. That’s where it all starts. Knowing what you want is the first step toward getting it. — Mae West

When the quarantine is over, you can make bigger steps towards your dream.

There are two types of people in this world.

  1. If they are given a free time, they would waste time by watching movies or series on Netflix, playing video games, and many other unproductive activities.
  2. If they are given free time, they would learn and develop new skills, try to discover things, and find a way to be successful.

Between these two choices, what type of person do you think millionaires and successful people are?

I will be honest. Before, I was the type 1. I would play video games, and of course, watch Netflix. I would waste time, where I could’ve learned or improved my skills or just be productive in any sort of way.

Yes, you can learn lessons from movies or series but you could never learn as much as you can from reading or listening to inspiring and motivational writings. And let’s be real, we never think of the moral lesson in each movie we watch.

There are so many skills you can learn from, and use in the future!

I know that all of us are tired of the things that we are doing in our life since jobs and schools are tiring, I understand. I have been there. It is okay to take a rest and recharge. But don’t rest too much, to the point that you are wasting precious time.

We are currently in quarantine, we are staying in our own comfortable homes, which is equals to free time, too much free time. And again, it is up to you on how you will use this free time.

Now is the time you take things out of your system, try them, do them, experience them. Do you want to start a business? You can now think of ideas you can do. Want to sell your art? Do it. Research about whatever you want to do so that you have enough knowledge to be able to start, and the rest of the things to learn about, learn it on the way to your success. Learn through the process.

When the quarantine is over, businesses or the economy will need more talented people or brave people who will start their own company or business where they reach their dreams. Be one of those people. Plan now. Again, we have a lot of time. Why not use it for our good?

Photo by William Bayreuther on Unsplash

I have read an inspiring story about perfectionism can be a bad trait. At first, when I read that perfectionism is a bad trait, I questioned it, but I still read the whole thing because that is how we learn in life. We shouldn’t be stubborn in our life because we might miss out on important lessons and this is one of those examples.

So I continued reading the story. It says that the amount of time given to you will be the amount of time you will finish. You should always have a goal that you should finish things in a short period of time than trying to perfectionate things. Why?

Here’s why. In everything you do, you will have something to learn about. If you finished more things in a short period of time, you will also learn a lot in a short period of time than the person who wastes time on “perfecting” things where he/she could’ve learn through the process.

You can read the story here. ( No connections with the person. I am just really inspired and I want you to read it too. )

Time is gold — Benjamin Franklin

We all know this famous saying, and if you don’t know this, then you are living under a rock. Almost everyone knows this saying, but only a few apply this saying in their life. I could say that those people who use this saying are successful. I am only at the start of my journey, and you can start your journey too. Are you one of the few people who use this saying in their life? Don’t worry, you can start now.

