On The Road Again

Some nice words about a “bad” car

Kevin Alexander
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Finn Mund on Unsplash

I must’ve been sick the day they taught us all to fall in love with new cars.

I’ve never really understood the allure of buying one. My first car was already 18 by the time it pulled into my driveway. The newest one — by a long shot — was 6.

My current car is a teenager, and I’m only one step removed from manual widows and a tape deck.

When I was young, “how fast?” was usually the only question I asked. If there was a second, it might’ve been, “how loud is the stereo?’ But that was it.

These days, the questions are different, but the list is still short:

  • Does it start?
  • Can it get me from Point A to Point B in the middle of a Midwest winter?
  • Will it do it without ejecting parts all over the road?

As long as the answers are Yes/Yes/Yes, I’m good.

And so it was with fascination that I watched this short film about the Lada- the lovable loser of the automobile world. They’re prolific in Russia. But even in that part of the world, people have learned to chase bigger! faster! more!

In the same way that cars in the United States migrate from cities and the wealthy to more rural areas (and/or teenagers), in…



Kevin Alexander
Writers’ Blokke

Indie music journalist | Mixtape maker | EIC The Riff Magazine | Writer of the On Repeat Newsletter on Substack |