One Habit to Rule Them All

Humans Are Creatures of Habit. Managing Your Habits Can Change Your Life.

Writers’ Blokke


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


Small actions can make a huge difference if taken consistently. And what is life, but a series of actions? A lot of the things we do every day we don’t even think about. We just do them. We have formed a habit. What we should strive for is to align our actions with our goals. And to be able to do that we need a couple of things. We need to set goals we want to achieve. And we need to be accountable for our actions.

Forming a new habit can take some time, but once a habit is formed it is hard to break. To form a new habit, you need to choose something that you know you can stick to. Don’t try to change everything at once, that’s a recipe for disaster. Keep it simple. Easy to stick to. In my experience, I have found that the best habit to begin transforming my life is journaling.

Why Journaling

Journaling is easy, you set the rules, you do it your way. It’s something that doesn’t take a whole lot of time. And it’s easy to stick to. Even if you keep it super simple it can impact your life in a meaningful way.

It’s Simple

You can make an entry every evening about your day, and your actions that day. Were…



Writers’ Blokke

A Top Writer on Medium, AI-enthusiast. Always curious and always HungryMinded.