Poetry Spotlight: William Wordsworth

Experiences shape our perspectives; poets embrace them, while they write their emotions set on fire with the pen of life.

Pamela J. Nikodem, MSED
Writers’ Blokke


Who knew an infant, born in the Spring of 1770, would become a world-famous poet. The legacy of the words, Wordsworth shared with humanity, inspires many common folks to recognize their frailty, and the limited scope of life’s breath.

The loss of both his mother and father impacted the emotional connection between words and feelings. Within the depths of his work, Wordsworth captured feelings and set them to light.

Between the loss of his beloved daughter Dora, and two other children out of the six he fathered, William entered the depths of despair and eventually passed away. His legacy of words created an image of life’s experiences. Poetry is like memory set on fire.

I wandered lonely as a Cloud

William Wordsworth — 1770–1850

I wandered lonely as a Cloud
That floats on high o’er Vales and Hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden Daffodils;
Beside the Lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.



Pamela J. Nikodem, MSED
Writers’ Blokke

❤ Positive-focused Motivational Speaker❤ Writer ❤ Domestic Violence Educator @ www.advancedbehavioralchanges.org ❤ Catch the Spark❤ Counselor ❤ Relationships ❤