Publishing with Amazon

There are pros and cons to publishing with Amazon, but if you’ve definitely decided you want to self publish your book and have it publicly on sale, I think it’s the easiest and most effective place to start.

Patsy Collins
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
6 min readMar 31, 2022


Patsy Collins’ author page on Amazon

Some of the advantages are –

You don’t need to qualify or be accepted, and there’s very little waiting time. It’s entirely possible for you to start the process now and have a complete stranger reading your book the following week.

There are no up front publishing costs. Amazon take their cut of each sale before passing the remainder on to you.

You are entirely in control of all decisions such as book content, editing, cover design, title, pricing etc etc.

The process isn’t particularly difficult — and there are lots of online resources showing you exactly what to do.

The author is free to choose their own editor, proofreader, formatter, cover designer etc etc, or opt to do some or all of these things themselves.

Any royalties due are paid monthly (a couple of months in arrears) and you can check frequently to see what you’ve earned.



Patsy Collins
Writers’ Blokke

Author, gardener, photographer, cake eater and campervanner from the south coast of England.