Reach Behind the Clouds

Reflection of your heart

Amy Christie
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Sergei A on Unsplash

If I could touch your sky, my dear,
I’d paint it with dreams far and near,
With hues of hope and love so true,
A hopeful melody, just for you.

I’d reach out and scatter stardust bright,
To guide you through the darkest night,
Each twinkling light, a beacon, hope,
To lead you where you truly belong.

The clouds would part at my gentle touch,
Revealing paths that mean so much,
You’d soar on wings of pure delight,
In the boundless expanse of flight.

If I could touch your sky, you’d see,
The endless possibilities for you and me,
Together, we’d paint the sky in tender light,
A testament to love’s eternal bond.

If I could touch your sky in emerald truth,
I’d paint it with dreams, both old and new,
With hues of hope and shades of grace,
A love tune made for your gaze.

I’d reach beyond the clouds, so high,
To catch a glimpse of your endless sky,
And in its boundless expanse, I’d find,
A reflection of your heart, so kind.

Among the stars, I’d place your name,
A shining light, a celestial flame,
To guide me through the darkest night,
And fill my world with radiant light.

So let me caress your sky, so clear,
And hold its beauty ever near,
For in its depths, I see your soul,
A precious gift that makes me whole.

If I could linger in your sky, my dear,
I’d paint it with dreams, crystal shine,
Each star a promise smiling bright,
Guiding us through ebony nights.

I’d reach for clouds, cotton soft and light,
Whispering secrets in their flight,
To carry hopes across the blue,
And bring them closer, just for you.

With fingertips brushing the horizon’s edge,
I’d blend sunset hues on a painter’s pledge,
Creating a masterpiece, vivid and bold,
A tapestry of heart stories yet untold.

So let me reach your sky, my love,
And soar with you on wings above,
Together, we’ll chase the fading light,
Embracing the magic of the starry night.

© 2024 Amy Christie



Amy Christie
Writers’ Blokke

Dallasite, passionate storyteller and journalist, striving to create meaningful connections. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”