Realizing We Can Be Wrong

Veena Vijayakumar
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2022

To introspect our actions.

Two people are arguing.
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

The epiphany in accepting being wrong is huge. It’s like we are finally accountable for our actions instead of blaming others. But it hardly occurs in our mind that we are wrong.

Out of all the reasons for the mishap-” I am wrong” or “It’s my fault” has never been listed in our thought reasoning process. Our mind is piled up with so many layers of “I am right” justification, so we fail to see the actual cause for the disruption.

Your logic should be greater than your ego. Accepting being wrong brings a calmness that was lost in denial. It’s rare to find personalities that acknowledge their mistake, most of them try to pin it on others. Ego and pride are a few of the reasons that hold us back from identifying our mistakes.

Our actions shouldn’t depend on others’ behavior. Yes, there are reasons like he/she provoked me and that’s why I lashed out. I know it’s hard to be the better human here, but we should at least try. Instead of reacting, understand the other person, and be empathic towards them. If they are putting out their anger on us and we are doing the same in return, then there is no difference between us and them. Also, at times some individuals won’t have a reason for their outburst, in those situations, we can just leave. Our minds are delicate, don’t try to upset it with problems for which we don’t have solutions.

Seeking forgiveness for our past actions and moving on is the ideal path. Instead of having all that anger and blaming others for your misfortunes takes you nowhere.

