
Akshay Singh
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2021
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Something about me

Hey there stranger. My name is Akshay and on the 7th of this month, I turned 28. I’m not sure how to feel about that. Should I feel like Joey when he turned 30 and freaked out, or should I feel like Ted Mosby, all mature and act like a grown-up. To be very honest, I’m not sure how should I feel about anything at all anymore. In the last 10 years, I have a taken so many bad decisions and a bucket full of regrets which are good enough for a lifetime. My first regret was getting a blog almost 10 years ago, paid up for a domain and hosting, and couldn’t write anything. Not sure why? Even now I’m not sure what happened in all this time. All I feel is that my light dying inside, slowly but dying.

There was once a time when I used to be full of energy and life-changing ideas running through me and I had so much hope. I did my education at one of the top engineering colleges of India(we call them IITs). So many things to do and I could do nothing.

But I don’t want to do that anymore. I’m tired of sitting down in my room, watching Netflix all day, watching fav shows again and again. And then just without feeling anything, just go to sleep. I want to change and I don’t give a shit how will do I that, but I can’t let that light die. I just can’t.

So, here I’m having my last cup of coffee for today, and writing this post to remind myself that I’ve to pull myself together, take my responsibilities and do things that I’m proud of. First, I’m going to write what situation I’m in so that I’m aware that this is my rock bottom and that I refuse to go down. Then I’ll write my goals and ideas about what to do. The first thing I did, just uninstalled my Instagram.

Financial status: I’m currently in debt of around 50k USD(which is huge in my country). I earn around 3k USD / month before taxes. My current financial responsibilities are about 2k USD/ month and my EMIs are around 1.5K USD / month.

Health: I currently weigh around 82Kg (180lbs) but which is much high for my height (5.6).

Relationships and family: I’m around 2000km away from my family and cant actually share anything with them. And if we talk about friends, I lost almost everyone along the way.

My Goals:

Finance: Right now, I can see my finances for the next three years.

First-year: I’ve to get to Zero at any cost. If that doesn’t happen then I’m already f’ed

Second-year: I’ve to generate a revenue of 1Cr( around 1,35,872 USD)

Third-year: I’ve to generate revenue of 7Cr(around 1M USD)

Health: All I can see is that I’ve to lose 20kgs of weight in 6–7 months.

Relationships: Make some good and honest friends along the way, to help each to navigate through life.

Thanks for reading

P. S.: I’m using my real name here but my name is very common here and none of the people I know are here, so all this is a safe space with my medium family.



Akshay Singh
Writers’ Blokke

🧑‍💻 and ☕️, sometimes 🍻; Living on Notion; Love — hate 🤝 Javascript; new 💚 web3; 🔨 building “few good things”;