Recruiters Are Saying This Behind Your Back

Here’s how to turn their heads and shut their mouths!

Courtney Leigh
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

Riding on a commuter-packed train from New York to Boston one Monday morning, an intense young woman was juggling her laptop, a conference call on a mobile phone, and a bunch of, you guessed it — a stack of résumés. Any eavesdropper would have recognized the call was a discussion about which of the few finalists they’d choose for an opening.

When she got off the phone, and the train at coasting speed and moving as smoothly along as it ever would, I asked,

“Are you in HR?”

“Oh yes!” She replied, motioning to her laptop and the spread of papers in front of her.

“In general, how are the résumés you get.”

She rolled her eyes, paused, and added, “Are you kidding?”

“Are they that bad?” I asked.

“Oh yeah,” She said.

Here are three things I’ve heard from recruiters. And they probably aren’t going to tell you any of these after you don’t make the cut.

“First thing we do is strip off the Objective Statement...”

Those were the words of a recruiter for a prestigious firm that finds and submits finance…

