Rediscovering the Lost Art of Letter Writing in the Digital Age

Joel Loo
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2023
Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash

Remember the joy of receiving a handwritten letter? In today’s digital whirlwind, we’ve almost forgotten this beautiful art. Let’s dive into the resurgence of letter writing and why it’s more relevant than ever.

The Vanishing Craft

Inboxes have replaced postboxes, emojis trump handwritten smiles, and “LOL” is more common than a heartfelt laugh. We’ve lost the personal touch in our communication. But there’s a revival happening.

Why Letters Matter

Letters transcend time. They’re tangible, cherished keepsakes. In an era of fleeting digital messages, a letter shows thoughtfulness and care. It’s an uninterrupted conversation where words breathe and emotions flow.

The Digital Deluge Dilemma

Our digital lives are overwhelming. Notifications, emails, chats — they’re a constant buzz. Letters, however, offer a sanctuary of focus. When you sit to write, it’s a moment of mindfulness, away from the digital deluge.

Rediscovering the Ritual

Remember selecting the perfect stationery or the anticipation of opening a sealed envelope? The act of letter writing is a ritual that connects us to the past and, surprisingly, the future.

The Power of Words

Letters force us to articulate our thoughts. In a world of abbreviations and auto-correct, letters demand eloquence. They’re a canvas for our innermost feelings, unfiltered and sincere.

The Millennial Movement

Surprisingly, millennials are leading the revival. They appreciate the vintage charm and the opportunity to unplug from screens. Apps for sending digital letters are gaining popularity.

A Letter for Tomorrow

In a world of instant gratification, letters are a gift of delayed joy. Imagine your loved one stumbling upon your letter years from now, a timeless treasure imbued with your essence.

The Controversial Stand

Some argue letters are an archaic waste of time. Why send a letter when you can text or email? But the controversy is precisely what makes this topic fascinating. Are we losing something precious in the name of progress?

The Digital Renaissance

We’re not advocating ditching digital communication. Instead, we’re proposing a renaissance of the lost art of letter writing. It’s a complement, not a replacement. It’s a choice to slow down and savor words.


In a world racing toward digitalization, the revival of letter writing is a poetic rebellion. It’s a declaration that amidst the chaos of progress, we won’t forget the human touch. So, pick up that pen, find some beautiful stationery, and let your thoughts flow onto paper. Your letter might just become a timeless treasure in the digital age.

