Reentry into football. Best decision in my life ever since?

How passion as a past time keeps me productive.

Randomly Useful
Writers’ Blokke
5 min readAug 23, 2021


Photo by Kashawn Hernandez on Unsplash

A lot of people say following your passion keeps you happier. Yes that’s true, you get the satisfaction of doing what you like even if you fail.

Many strive to make it their career and that’s great. But not all can do it…right. It could be due to various reasons like social pressure, fear of failure and so on. At some point in time we stop following our passion and start moving where our society leads us. Eventually you’ll end up taking a 9 to 5 job or something else that you find boring. Even if you’re an entrepreneur, you have your own ups and downs . I’m pretty sure your productivity and motivation will be low in such cases. But you still continue doing it since it’s your livelihood.

There are a lot of ways out there that you could follow to be contented with what you have, one of which I discovered in my life lately. Yeah, it’s following your passion. (Your thoughts: Man don’t go back to where you started. But read further, don’t judge earlier.)

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

It might sound cliche, but it’s actually not, it’s not necessary for you to take it full time. Try reentering into following you passion which you did when you were a student or a kid, make it your past time. And you’ll obviously feel the difference. Maybe you’ll not start earning from it or not even start liking your boring job but trust me, you’ll get creative and motivated which will eventually impact your life and keep you productive at your job.

I realised that productivity is the reward that you get for doing what you like, at least in my case. I’ve already talked about it in an other article on medium but now I’ll talk about my life after reentry into football(which is my passion).

Long story short,

I found out football to be my passion after trying out various activities(I tried over 15 extracurriculars along with art). I was doing pretty good at football(in academics too). I was taken into my state’s football team. It was all going well, but my high school ruined it all. I concentrated too much on exams that I stopped playing football.

I didn’t feel any change in my life at first, then I slowly realised something is not good about my life. I searched the answer for what’s wrong in every place and way possible, but I wasn’t able to figure it out.

You know what, after abandoning football, my lifestyle changed, I became a lazy guy, I felt demotivated to do even silly thing and simple tasks. I started hating myself, it also impacted my attitude. I was the coolest guy in my fam in the past, but I started getting irritated very often. I felt lost in the middle of nowhere.

So now I realised, that it all changed when I stopped following my passion. Even then I didn’t reenter into footballing because back then I wasn’t aware that I could make it my hobby, but I tried meditating, gymming and consumed a ton self-help content. Nothing helped.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

But, last Sunday one of my seniors invited me to play football, he said I have to reach the ground by 5 in the morning. To my surprise, I woke up really early on a Sunday morning just so that I’ll not miss the game. And that’s when I realised that I was ready to sacrifice anything to do what I love. I sacrificed my sleep(not kidding, it’s really a big deal for a slug like me). And when I looked back I was the same guy during my school days. I’ve also sacrificed delicious meals, hanging out with my friends and family and also skipped classes to participate in tournaments. For a kid/teen it’s really hard to give up these desires. I am so happy that I figured this out at least by now.

So this was my past, but you may ask what does this have to do with my productivity. Yes, I get a lot of better ideas about my career and job while I play football. I have the content of achieving something great for the whole day. You get very creative, I try different skills in football every time and that creativity comes along with me to my workplace.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

My lifestyle has become better, there is a drastic change in my attitude right now, I get more cooler as I keep playing football. On a whole, life is just about staying happy and keeping people around us happy. Reentry into football has impacted my life big time.I am going to continue to play football, as it’s a great influencer in my life. So, yes I follow my reentry into is the best decision in life that i’ve taken ever since.

I suggest you to try making passion your past time. Just do it for a week and respond to this story about you experience. I am not sure if it’ll work for everyone, but I believe that there’s nothing wrong in experimenting with your life with an intent of making it better. And also tell me wether or not you follow your passion.



Randomly Useful
Writers’ Blokke

I write article on random genre, that are simply very useful. I share my understandings on topics I find interesting. And some stories motivate you. :)