Sandi’s Soap Box 2: Born A Woman

Sandi Sipe
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2022

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead was one of the women who began the Women’s Rights Movement.

I found myself in a notstalgic mood today 11/21. I listenedd to old country songs that my mother loved to hear from time to time. The album is Born a Woman by Sandy Posey. No matter the fact that it brings back loving memories of my mom and I dancing to this song, but I have to rip it apart. The lyrics are in italics, my comments are regular, unitalic font.  This article is not to disrespect the women who love the life of a housewife, it is to also make socieity think that women are able, capable, and willing to share the responsibility with their men as well. It makes no difference If you're rich or poor Or if you're smart or dumb.No matter the station, a woman is considered to be the automatic choice or assumed caretaker for the nurturing of the family. Okay, many women are groomed from their teen-aged years to take care of their family focusing on the men of the house and their younger siblings.A woman's place in this old world was under some man's thumb.OMG! I want to laugh my butt off. Gentlemen, get up off your butt and help out around your home. Your wife or lady has made it your home help keep it cleared of bullcrap. Oh, you want to be served a plate of food? The first one will be served by your wife, but after that plate get it yourself.Here's to the traditionalist male who believes women are inferior, and his woman should be gracious, and happy for your financial support. Dude, get over yourself. A woman is a partner, not a toy. Women in most cases must work outside the house to help provide for the family if this is the case hel p out. Help your children with homework, make good choice analyses for your children to use to help them make good choices.  Also, just because a woman has breasts is not indicative that she is the better choice at raising and nurturing children. Especially, with some men who possess the nurturing instinct. In Robin Williams's words on The Bird Cage,(Albert's literally a breast.)Ladies, there is good news; this is not the earlier generation that we see on television which usually romanticizes the woman's role in the family. Today, the women's rights and freedoms cup is at three-quarters full.And if you're born a woman, you're born to be hurt. You're born to be stepped on...Lied to...cheated on...and treated like dirt.Does this sound familiar. The only way this will stop ladies is to step up and take no more crap from your ‘loved one’. We are not punching bags, emtional landfills, or drama magnets. If the love you receive at home does not make you feel empowered or the best you, hen, it’s not love—walk away.A woman's lot is to give and give and go on giving.A woman does give and give; she gives love and affection to her family and close friends. A woman listens, resolves issues if it is possible, and goes on.A woman's got to love and lose And go on living.She does love and lose when her children go off to live their life. They either get married or go to college. Either way, she is alone with no one to care for any longer. Her feelings are sadness and confusion. She must find a new beginning for her. It is your best life from this point forward. Get busy living it.Well, I was born a woman, I didn't have any say.Women have dreams;  the desire to have a careeer, to stud her place in society, she builds her network of close frineds and companions, and also to have her own identity, not being someone's mother or someone's wife.And when my man finally comes home, He makes me glad it happened that way. Because, to be his woman, no price is too great to pay.Yes, I was born a woman I'm glad it happened that way Oh, I was born a woman I'm glad it happened that wayArtist: Sandy Posey Album: Born A Woman Year: 1966 Song: Born A Woman.Women are happy when the right man comes along, giving them respect, love, and happiness. Her night in shining armor, giving her an emotional rescue, andhe sweeps her off her feet and rides into the sunset. Yes, even today, there are fairy tale dreams, but reality can be even greater.And that is how it’s done.



Sandi Sipe
Writers’ Blokke

I am a Texas author writing in hte gentes of politics, religion, encouragement. MY QUOTES: I have balls too, they are 2 feet up and multi-functional.