Sandi’s Soapbox: Roe v. Wade in Court…Again

The 1973 case; Roe versus Wade (Who was a justice on the Supreme Cou8rt) falls under the protection of the 14th Amendment.

Sandi Sipe
Writers’ Blokke
9 min readMay 9, 2022


The 14th Amendment to the Constitution in a nutshell. Basics are that it is largely expanded protections of rights for citizens at the state level. It was adopted in 1868 during the Reconstruction Era following the Civil War, aiming to protect the rights of formerly enslaved people in the South who were being subject to new discriminatory state laws.

Today, I watched the talk show ‘The View’. Elizabeth Warren was the guest on the show and she was a little upset about the abortion case Roe v. Wade. The prelude to her coming out to the table was a clip of her at a rally with the Pro-Choice supporters outside the Supreme Court Building. We will Never Go Back! She chanted. The woman was pissed, and honestly, I can’t blame her. Who has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body? If she chooses to have birth control to prevent births why is that alright? Why is she wrong for choosing to have a medical procedure to safely and legally terminate her pregnancy? Is this not the right that was established by the 14th Amendment?

On the other hand, abortion does not apply to me on a personal level. So, why do I need to care? Honest answer, because it is a baby’s potential life in the balance.

What is the answer if more people like me don’t care one way or the other? Take a good look at the issue and focus on the hot points that have women and the government fighting one another.

  1. Political Fodder

Republicans, is it your right to tell me, a non-family member how to live my life? I don’t think so. My values, choices, and business belongs to me. Not even my husband, my father/mother, nor my son can tell me what to do with my body.

If potential trouble should arise in my life that I need to take medical measures to prevent a pregnancy from maturing, then is that not for me to choose? Along with my doctor and close family members who else is to choose for me what is best for my body? What do you have to do with it Republican representative of Texas? Why don’t you sweep off your back porch of the trash gathering in the darkness before you sweep off of mine?

Democrats, I appreciate the hard work that you are doing to prevent the Roe v. Wade ruling to stand as is. The rallies, the limitations of government money used to spend on abortion as a birth control method, etc. what are you fighting for? What choices are you giving to women these days to assist them through this crisis? You aren’t the bad guys, you are fighting for the right to choose, not the right to abort. This is the key point of this political party back in the day. It is a woman’s right to choose what she feels is best for her body — no matter the situation.

Believe it or not, the Pro-Choice Movement was about giving women the right to medical assistance in the case of abortion in the first trimester.

Roe v Wade was the court case in 1973 that ruled that states are not allowed to place any regulations on abortions in the first trimester. In the second and third trimesters, abortions could only take place if a mother’s life was in danger. In the third trimester, if a state ruled viability for the baby, abortions cannot take place.

This American woman, who is Pro-Life understands and agrees to the terms of the case as it stands. However, it is not my business, or concern if ‘Jill’ down the street wants an abortion. I don’t have to respect the choice, but I accept her choice to choose.

What is the pro-life view of abortion?

  • The pro-life view is held by millions of women. That view cannot just be dismissed because of a trait of a person who happens to be advocating it. If abortion is the unjust taking of innocent human life, then both women and men ought to speak up on behalf of the unborn girls and boys who have no voice.

What does this mean? We are to talk to women or young girls who are contemplating abortion as a means of birth control. There are options out there for your unborn baby that do not include terminating the pregnancy….death. These options include adoption to a woman and man who so want a baby but have difficulty getting pregnant. Consider having a family friend — a grown-up raise your child. they will be the authority over your child’s schooling and medical needs. Your role is knowing your baby is alright, babysitting at times, and if agreeable with all parties involved, the child can know that you are his or her natural mother

Photo by Umanoide on Unsplash

2. The Rape Victim

What do we do for the young girl or woman who is raped — this includes date raped. They face many obstacles in the process of justice.

The way they talk ed; foul-mouthed, funny, and, or daring do not indicate her willingness to have sex, period. Especially under violence. The way the victim dressed; the miniskirt or skorts, the tight leggings, and the lace cami are not signs to take at will to the rapist. A woman should dress the way she wants without fear of being violently raped. Her behavior is constantly in the spotlight in the courtroom. Was she dancing seductively, did she twerk her ass for the entire club to see? Does it matter? She knows that she was looking to hook up, but at her choice, not the rapists. No man has the right to take what is not willingly given. If she says no, then it’s no.

A few weeks later, she finds out that she is pregnant due to the man’s choice to rape her. The rapist takes so much away; her dignity, her sense of security, and her confidence in people. and then, he leaves her with a baby.

What is her first thought? I don’t want this baby! It was conceived in violence and it is a reminder of a bad night. Friends and family tell her that it is God’s will. Is it? My Heavenly Father would will her to have a child out of violence. He will allow the pregnancy due to free will on the rapist's part, but the biological process of ovulation was in play within the woman’s body.

So, what is she to do?

There are options for her to consider without the abortion process. Adopt this child out. Gift it to a couple who can look at this child with love, not in hate, animosity, and fear. The adoptive couple can give it a life of choices and security, not possible neglect or abuse. Pregnancy termination should be a life-saving choice; not a choice to punish.

3. The Incest Victim

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Yes, this does need to be mentioned. The family gathers for a nice day at the park. The adults are drinking and leave the older siblings to take care of the younger ones. Later in the night, Uncle Claude stalks into the house to pee. He sees Jamie walking alone in the night. “What are you doing girl?”

“Nothing,” she says with a smile.

Uncle Claude walks with her, giving her compliments on how she has grown up to be a beautiful swan. He offers her his bottle of beer and steps into the bathroom. Jamie has been sipping beer from one adult to another, and she is feeling a little loopy. “Jamie, where are the damn towels?” Clause asks.

Jamie giggles and pulls out a towel from under the cabinet. Slowly, she steps toward her uncle — who is only eight years older than her thirteen years. He stops her, she stands in front of him. His index finger teases her lips. He whispered something softly before he covers her mouth with his. IN a matter of minutes, she is helpless as his strength overpowers her. Minutes later, he’s penetrating her.

Photo by Pelayo Arbués on Unsplash

weeks later, Jamie is feeling sick. Her body feels, unlike anything she’s known before and she’s afraid. She and her friend tell her mother that something is wrong. Mom looks at her carefully. “Your pregnant.”

“What? No!” she can’t be pregnant, when did this happen? Her mind flashes back to Claude. Her eyes well up with tears. It is a night she doesn't want to relieve.

Mama and Beth take her to the store to purchase a pregnancy test. The test confirms Mama’s suspicion. Jamie is pregnant.

Now what? Jamie and her family consider all the options available to her, adoption, abortion, or keeping the baby. They consider their beliefs, their values as a family, and the consultation with the doctor.

The doctor tells the family, “Abortion is a clean and safe way to terminate incestual pregnancy. Knowing this, keep in mind that adoption is a positive choice for the child. With the likely hood of birth defects being low, a child would be alright in a loving home.”

Although this is a fictional story, it is based on facts. Girls, young girls such as Jamie find themselves in trouble at tall times. Persecution of the rapist is minute due to the family relations. Pregnancy adds to the stress of the situation where a young woman, a child is not protected by her father or mother but taken advantage of by a relative.

4. The Resultant and Impending Death.

This is sad, a termination of a pregnancy is hard enough, but knowing that if you carry your baby to term it will be stillborn and this is devastating. There are a large number of women who face this situation every year.

There is a positive option available to the mom and dad in this horrible trial. Deliver early so they can spend a few minutes with her baby. She can hold her baby while she sleeps and then takes its last breath. Unfortunately, medical insurance companies may not cover this choice due to it being classified as an abortion.

5. Who Is At Fault?

That is hard to say, I always speak of how things need to begin at home. If you are unsure about your child’s resistance to abstain from sex before adulthood, then get her on birth control or even the IUD. This is the best birth control option next to abstinence. You may even check into options for your son. Can he have a reversible vasectomy? No don’t have him neutered AKA balls cut off, that is harsh, but what alternatives are there for the male.

Possible Alternatives to this dilemma.

If you have not figured this out by now, I am an advocate for adoption. I tell you truthfully adoption is a positive alternative to abortion.

Proactive steps before the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy. Birth control pills or IUD. These two methods do not interfere with the biological process of hormonal balance in the female’s body. Please check out the options for boys.

Abstinence is always the best and most natural alternative for birth control. It does take the strength of resistance, and a lot of faith in yourself to know what you are wanting for your life.

Photo by Davide Cantelli on Unsplash

In the end, it is the atonement for the choices made by all parties involved that need to be addressed. Atone for any lack of proactive measures to ensure this will not be a problem in the future. Ask for forgiveness from Heavenly Father for the lack of thought in the time of pleasure.

American lives should not be run by government officials who use Pro-Life and Pro-Choice platforms to sway a person’s vote. This is your life how will you deal with the aftermath of either choice you make.



Sandi Sipe
Writers’ Blokke

I am a Texas author writing in hte gentes of politics, religion, encouragement. MY QUOTES: I have balls too, they are 2 feet up and multi-functional.