SEO Kills Authenticity, Here’s How To Do It Better

Divya Shakthi
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2023
Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash

As a freelance copywriter, I hate to say this: I despise SEO. Sure, I’d love to see my articles shine through on the front page. But no, I don’t want to lose authenticity in my writing.

Throughout my career, I’ve used SEO tactics to uplift my clients’ brands. Sometimes I thought SEO was the only way to get eyes on the content. The other times, I realized investing in SEO tools was a must, regardless of their pricing.

Sadly, it took me years to understand that writing doesn’t have to be pushy. I’m not talking about stuffing keywords to highlight the products or optimizing the article to rank. I mean bigger things than that, like being authentic.

SEO Writing Sucks

If you’ve been a writer, you probably know the pressure of writing to rank or sell. But, if you’ve been a reader, you know all of it sucks. There are a bunch of words waiting to be clicked, and most of them read like an ad. That’s why I think SEO writing is soulless. It’s because the focus is more on the brand and product than on the story.

However, a few prolific writers pull this off with ease. Their SEO writing is so smooth and lively. It’s packed with actionable insights, and it ranks higher without sounding boring. Even so, down the road, SEO turns into the bad guy.

Why is SEO the Bad Guy?

Undoubtedly, SEO can bring significant results if used correctly. But we aren’t talking about the high-ticket salespeople on the Internet. We’re talking about humans with emotions. That’s one of the many reasons fiction writers make more money than their counterparts.

It’s because people love to read stories. They want to learn a new skill, elevate their lives, and do all that while feeling involved. To achieve this, the article has to be raw, with truth and personal anecdotes.

For example, would you rather read about:

1. A personal story/ helpful article on here or

2. A promotional blog post on a company’s page?

Without second thoughts, most people will choose the first one. Fundamentally, our brains are wired to read and live stories through other people. That’s why we always connect with a writer who adds value to our lives.

Now, would you open:

1. I made $6k per month writing, and you can do it too or

2. An advanced guide to making $6k per month writing online.

The first one connects more with the reader. It’s because the writer behind the incident is an actual human who has gone through similar situations. So, the writing stems from the heart.

Ways SEO Kills Authenticity & Probably (you) in the Process

SEO has been both a boon and a bane at the same time. Sometimes, the harder you try, the riskier it gets. I’ve tried different methods, and here are a few things I’ve observed:

  1. SEO is very hard if you don’t know the basics.
  2. It suppresses the storyline.

3. It is not for everyone.

4. It needs lots of patience.

5. Weaving keywords naturally feels like traveling to the moon and back.

6. You might give up before starting (the probability is higher on this).

How Do You Solve This?

SEO is a growing industry and is enormous in terms of its processes. It’s only true that the industry will keep growing from here. And we don’t have a choice but to tread along.

There were times I was tired of trying to incorporate the keywords. But with time, I learned to master the art of subtlety. Here are some methods I used to write engaging content while using SEO.

1. Listen to the Readers

Social listening is a skill that big writers have mastered. I tried it too, and it worked like a charm. Go to Quora, Twitter, or LinkedIn and observe the polls—anything from the topic you love to the most trending. Doing this will allow you to gain insights into the readers’ likes and dislikes. If you’re lucky, you might find what is lacking in their lives, which will help you address those issues.

2. Read Reviews

Reviews are the most honest words of experience. Customers post reviews about the products they love and hate. You can use a few words from there and convert them into interesting copy for websites and blogs.

3. Speak to Them

When you don’t find enough information online, the best way is to talk to them. Speak with the prospects and learn about their problems. Then, solve them in your copy.

4. Pull From Personal Experiences

If you want readers to trust your words, you need to get real. Once you know their pain points, you can address common problems and how you overcame them. Personally relatable articles are among the highest performing, even on this platform!

5. Write As You Would Talk to Them

This is common advice. But more often, people overlook them. When you write to your readers like they’re friends, your article will sound more reliable and real.

The Bottom Line

There isn’t a single writer who doesn’t want to be famous, land more leads, and do good for their clients. But the harsh truth is that all this is very effortful and time-consuming.

SEO is a wonderful strategy, but for the most part, it doesn’t connect with the audience like it’s supposed to. That’s why it helps to write with a flow without limiting yourself to these tactics. In simple words, write from your heart, and there’ll be no disappointments, I promise.



Divya Shakthi
Writers’ Blokke

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