Serial Killer — The Other Type

Being an Emotional Murderer and Still a Well-Attired Citizen?

Ijlal Saleem
Writers’ Blokke
5 min readSep 20, 2020


Someone is playing with blood, having a taste of it, and she wants more.
Photo by Christopher Ott on Unsplash

Do the worst of the serial killers have long dirty fingernails, rough hair, sickening looks, and they are bald with mustaches covering their lips, and their neck tilted to one side? NO! There exists the other type of serial killers, the most common type, who are neat, well-projected, and immensely charming, with a flawless haircut. There is no such hard and fast rule for them to belong to a specific gender (there are good people and bad people, they both exist).

What people will do when they are bored stiff and searching for serial killer movies, serial killer web series on Google or Netflix? They’ll simply type the keyword ‘Serial Killer’. Why nobody ever thought or spotted serial killers in ‘Love’ and ‘Romance’ genre? Most of the romantic love story movies include miseries, agony, heartaches, and lovebirds cheating on each other, leaving each other, sometimes for no reason and sometimes for a petty reason.

Confused? Ever observed people usually enjoy the action scenes more, when someone is getting hammered, receiving the kicks and blows, blood-shed, and when the fancy cars and tall buildings are blown up, the universe is in danger because ‘THANOS’ has arrived with his army, but most of us find ourselves in tears when an innocent teen college girl or a reluctant boy with spectacles gets ditched, and when he/she suffers while recovering from a breakup, or die in the climax.

Some people like me will fall in love with “The Other Type of Serial Killer (TOTOSK)” at first sight while some people will take a few meetings. If you are a meek, kind-hearted, pleasant personality, you are just a phone call away to fall in love with TOTOSK.

A serial killer on the loose: Yes! I am talking about the emotional killing and emotional murderers (TOTOSK) roaming around, on the loose, and without the fear of being charged with any crime. No sentence, no punishment, not even a one-dollar fine for what they have done and they do.

Woman wearing white shirt and holding an axe.
Photo by Benjamin Balázs on Unsplash

Have you ever realized that falling in love is a natural phenomenon? If you are a human being, you have this instinct of falling in love with a person, a pet, or even a thing. Considering this fact, almost every person on this earth is in love, was in love, will be in love, and I bet that more than 90% of the world’s population has gone through heart bypass surgery, change of heart vessels, or a heart to be precise (Yes, I’m pointing out at heartbreaks and breakups).

Have you ever observed people around you with some disability or broken bones? Someone involved in an accident and got injured? Let me answer this on your behalf — Yes! You have. It is a heavenly deed to feel them, their pain, and do as much good as you can with your behavior and actions. Now coming to the main question, have you seen people with crushed souls and broken hearts? You may not be able to see them until they reveal themselves to you but that doesn’t mean they are extinct. The victims having crushed souls and broken hearts are everywhere; in fact, everybody goes through this phase at least once in their lives.

Sometimes the soul and the body die at a young age of 20–25 but the final rituals are performed and the body is buried at the age of 60–65. We all know how fear-provoking a death is but some of the folks commit suicide. Why aren’t they scared of death? It is because the fear of dying has become so vague. They die every day.

Girl in a black knit sweater, going through trauma and having a nosebleed.
Photo by jean Toir on Unsplash

You only believe what you see. People only sympathize when they see a broken bone, severe wounds, or if you are dying from cancer. Nobody will react or even notice what you are going through from inside. Maybe you are a brilliant actor. You know how to pretend a face that says everything is alright. Most of us deserve The Oscar for just being alive and living this life of an ordinary person, not as a TV star. We are indeed great actors; we acted our whole life without getting paid for it and without the camera flashes and media persons around us.

We watch movies; we listen to songs and start living in the fantasies. Someone sends a hello text with the smiley emoticon, we fall in love. That someone replies to your one-liner text with a paragraph, your love for her/him gets stronger. She/he replies to your text instantly; you guys are bona fide soulmates now. She/he doesn’t sleep for one whole night just to talk to you; OMG! You both have claimed to even die for each other now. Wait a minute! Stop right there! Deep down you know that you guys are only checking out each other and the compatibility because in the first few days or months of you becoming the soulmates, you are shy to ask about how much and what you can afford in life? How bigger should a house be? How luxurious a car should be? And how much income should a married guy earn?

You guys hated the term “Judgment” the most but you both turned out to be an utter disgrace and sheer disappointment as you have started judging now. You both were little immature kids from the Disney world even in your twenties, one riding on the flying carpet and the other one on the back of a friendly dragon, and now as your relationship has reached the age of a year or two, the angel has miraculously injected the wisdom into you and now you are mature, you are now a practical person all of a sudden.

Someone is pretending to be alright while crying tears of blood.
Photo by Alexey Derevtsov on Unsplash

Keep your eyes open, love is blind but it shouldn’t be, you shouldn’t be blind either. The signs of someone losing interest in you are pretty obvious. Your mother has done a lot to nurture a beautiful person like you; she does not deserve to live with a broken kid.

At the end of the day, you are on your own. You came to this world alone (except the twins, triplets, quadruplets, and so on), you’ll die alone, and you’ll be sent to your grave alone.



Ijlal Saleem
Writers’ Blokke

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