Set Yourself Up to Succeed

Is your New Year’s resolution checklist ready?

Sneha Pastekar
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readDec 27, 2022


My Planner and blank-page journal for writing

The wind is chilly and our spirits are high. There is so much to look forward to but also a chance to look back at what we achieved and what we could have.

Have you got your new year’s resolution checklist ready?

If yes, great!

You are all set to change your life.

Also, are you sure, you can follow the habits, resolutions, and decisions religiously throughout 2023?

Research says most gyms hit a 100% membership rate on January 1 and lose out on the member count by January 10. That is less than half a month and a goodbye wave to a new year’s resolution.

Do you fall in the same category? Unable to keep through promises that you made to yourself?

Let’s briefly look at why New Year Resolutions fail:

1. Extremely difficult and unrealistic goals

2. No tracking or self-review

3. Unclear intention or purpose

4. Laziness

The gyaan (or knowledge) that is to follow is a personal account of tried and tested things.

Here goes, how do we make our resolutions work?

1. First and foremost, do not wait till January 1 to start. I suggest you start a week prior or a few days before whatever it is that you want to achieve. For example, if you want to go on regular walks or do yoga, start now, start today. By January 1, you will already be habituated or in the flow.

2. I use a planner to track my habits and new resolutions. Motivate yourself by buying a fancy planner or color ink pen, anything that works for you. Write and tick it at the end of the day. A month later, you will be proud of what you achieved.

3. Think and be very clear about why you want to follow a certain habit or behavioral trait. For example, I want to regularly reach office by 9.30 am because I want to leave by 6 and finish the day’s task in that exact timeline. I want to relax in the evening and spend time with my family. When you have an intention, purpose or goal, you are extremely likely to follow a set pattern.

4. It is only human to procrastinate. But only you know what motivates you to get going. Everyday habits can get boring over time, so you might want to talk to colleagues and friends about your new goal. You may want to put up an online status or share pictures, keep a sticky note or memento on your work desk or write a journal (like I do). You are creating happy memories and giving a chance to your friends and colleagues to appreciate and motivate you.

There are ample things that could get us up and rolling. The question is, have we figured out what we want yet?

All the best in soul searching and look forward to a fabulous year ahead :)



Sneha Pastekar
Writers’ Blokke

I love Literature, enjoy reading my heart out, am an animal whisperer and a writer.