She who blushed…

Paramee Samarathunga
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2021

I knew I saw a pretty lady sitting on a tree trunk

Crying in silence, but screaming her sorrow

Just like the tree that fell, but once a giant of its own

I remembered it was a rainy day following a sunny day.

Photo by Elina Sazonova from Pexels

Tempted to leave, She stood and took a breath

Not a step drive forward, she sat in the next second

I had nobody to ask why she’s sad, so I stayed

praying she knew that I am one of her own.

I woke up to a sunray rushing through the curtain

In the mirror, I saw me blushing with Chinese little eyes

I tried and tried, nothing I can remember

In my own company, I am not alone and drifted apart

Looking into the night sky, seeing the stars

I had the money and the car key that I treasured.

Who was she and why I was blushing?

Saw some puddles and walked away knowing who she was.

She saw a puddle and her own reflection as she walked away…
Photo by JACK REDGATE from Pexels

