Short-term Distraction vs. Long-term Distraction

Aryan Arya
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2022

Here’s what kinds of distraction I think exists in our world.

Nubelson Fernandes | Unsplash

I just recently watched “Don’t Look Up” starring Leonardo Di Caprio and Jennifer Lawrence. If you saw the movie, then you at least know what is the meaning of distraction. Now, I am not going to create drama about this and say that “oh. how distraction is endangering the life of human beings”. I mean seriously, that movie was way far from how we will ever be distracted. But we are ‘also’ distracted.

I think distraction can be of the types — short-term and long-term, positively contributive and negatively contributive. These classifications I give upon the duration of how long is someone distracted.

Short-term distractions are mainly very small. They may not affect our lives that much — for example, looking for a bar of chocolate or making tea, calling one friend, or texting with someone for 5 minutes. These distractions are pleasurable. They provide stimulus to your brain and make you more productive. They provide positive energy. However, you have to be careful of your distraction and how long each distraction occurs.

Long-term distractions affect our lives. These are an addiction like gaming, social media, alcohol, etc. These constantly divert our minds. These are effective distractions as they take important time ‘out’ of our lives. When strongly indulged in them, these distractions become a strong rewarding activity of your brain that you may not realize when you first indulged in them.

Not all distractions can be avoided and there is no sense in just ignoring the pleasures of life. However, your life should be balanced and not remain unworthy. To remain guilt-free, all you need is to fix your duration of distraction, like gaming one hour everyday or using social media for 30 minutes per day, and limiting alcohol to ..(think yourself!).

Spend time wisely.

To quote dear Krishna, “while involved in life affairs of individual life, either vocational or social, one must be cautious that behind every action there is a will and behind every will there is a valued judgment”.



Aryan Arya
Writers’ Blokke

I am here to earn money by sharing my knowledge with the world.