Should You Build Up a Stockpile of Stories with Your Extra Time?

My scheduling ‘Eureka!’ moment

Ilana Lydia
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash

It’s abundance or famine, thick or thin, a good chunk of time to write or no time at all. At least, it seems that way for me.

And we all know Medium’s algorithm favors authors who write consistently.

What to do?

Spread it around a little! You don’t have to write everyday to publish everyday. Let me let that sink in. You have control over your consistency without being a slave to daily writing.


Let’s say you normally knock out an article in 45 minutes to an hour. (I realize everyone has different circumstances and elements of distraction, and your writing schedule might not look like this.) A day comes when you’ve got a four hour window. How can you approach it to maximize your writing?

1. Spend 10 minutes to a half hour on idea generation

One method that works well for me is listing article titles I could write about, 10 at a time, and then follow one or two down the rabbit hole to see what else I can write about them.

Another method is to look back over all your stories and see which ones did the best. What is your audience most interested in?



Ilana Lydia
Writers’ Blokke

A theater person/writer/reader of curiosities. A believer in wonder.