8 Side-Hustles To Make Money Working Remotely: Create Extra Income Streams

These easy-to-start side hustles can earn you extra income working remotely to become financially independent.

Abdul Rashid Sani
Writers’ Blokke
4 min readAug 24, 2021


Make extra income
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

It is never enough to have only one income source if you want to achieve financial success. If you take a closer look at the world’s wealthy people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk, none of them rely on a single income stream. No!

You are not financially secured if you don’t have multiple sources of income. Just take a look at your piling debts, your kids’ education, mortgages, etc. It is about time you start a side hustle job that can earn you extra income working online from your home. And this could make you a lot of money while you still keep your 9–5 job. Excited? So am I.

Here are the 7 Side-Hustles To Make Money Working Remotely: Create Extra Income Streams

1. Become A Content Writer

One easy way to earn extra income while working remotely from home is to become a content writer. As a freelance writer, your role includes writing great content capable of generating more readers and converting them into customers.

You sometimes need to have basic skills in SEO to create SEO-friendly content that bring results. You will find writing jobs on freelance websites like Upwork. You can approach companies on social media to pitch to them.

Here are some useful keyword research tools you can use:

2. Become A Virtual Bookkeeper

I offer bookkeeping services right from my room. It is simple. In 2020, a company emailed me to help them with their accounting job. That is how I started making money working from home.

If you have bookkeeping skills, you can offer your services from your home to small businesses and individuals and start earning extra income. All you need is your bookkeeping skills, your laptop, and sometimes access to the internet for communication.

Approach businesses and tell them the kind of services you offer as a bookkeeper. Or you can advertise your skills on freelance websites like Freelancer or Upwork. And you can charge extra if you can provide tax advisory services.

3. Start Affiliate Marketing

Honestly, affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money from home. And possibly one of the easiest ways to start earning money online if you do it the right way.

There are several e-books and online courses on how to start affiliate marketing. Some major companies are offering affiliate programs from which you can choose.

Companies offer affiliate programs to people like you to share with the world their products and services. By doing so, you earn a commission per sale made through your unique affiliate link.

Here are a few affiliate programs you can join today:

You can advertise your affiliate link on social media, blogs, or youtube channels. And the best way to sell is to share products or services you have benefited from.

4. Sell Your Stuff

Just sell the stuff you don’t need anymore to remotely make quick money from home. Look into your items and identify the things you think you don’t need, and sell them online to make extra cash if you want.

These kinds of stuff may include your old clothes, old books or gadgets. You can sell on Amazon or eBay.

5. Sell Handmade Goods

Start selling your handmade stuff online if you want to earn extra cash quickly. Are you handy with arts crafts?

Sell them on Etsy, Cargoh, or ArtFire. This is a smart way to make side-hustle income quickly. And an easier way to create an extra income stream.

6. Buy Cheap Domains and Resell

What about the idea of buying cheap domains, optimizing them for traffic and generating revenue, and resell at higher prices? Do you see the trick? It works just like house flipping.

Buy a house, renovate and resell. This, you have to buy cheap domains on GoDaddy to flip websites. This is a way to make money from home without any hassles.

7. Research

Earn extra income anywhere from $17 to $80 per hour to complete research tasks on TaskRabbit working from home.

Wow! Just like that? Yes, just like that. An easier way to make money from home completing research tasks.

TaskRabbit allows you to take up research work for companies. These companies constantly need data on industries and consumer markets. You can research individuals and companies working from home while in your pajamas.

You need to create an account and fill out your profile, market yourself to get hired to start making money with this remote work.

8. Write Resume for Others

Have you learned some valuable lessons during your career writing resumes? You can help others writing and editing their resumes and make extra income working from home.

Why not help others as they look to start their career journey by writing and editing for them perfect resumes? And you will get paid at the same time.

There is no need to rent a shop. Just get started right from your home with your laptop to start this side business if you want to earn extra cash. You can also design templates to sell to your clients at a premium.

Advertise your resume writing services on popular social media to start getting clients.

I hope I’ve inspired you to start making extra income while working remotely from anywhere with any of these 8 side hustles.

Sharing this with the world will also help to inspire them.

I Appreciate You.

