Simplicity of Feel and Fun

Do you think the children seem to have fun more often than the adult?

Irdandy Fidastra
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readJun 28, 2022


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Children think about the present time

Children have a simple mindset, where they only think about enjoying themselves , how to make themselves happy and not knowing any consequences. In addition, young children need love and protection from others because of this. That’s why children need to be supervised by adult that can cope with their lack-of-future thought. Although certain children are smarter and different from the rest.

Children are inexperienced

They are lacking the experience and knowledge of the adult. Their lack of information and knowledge, in fact, is an advantage for them. They didn’t need to overthink or even have a complicated thought either about what they do or they feel or both. All they care about are only the present, here and now. Whatever issues in the future won’t be relevant until it becomes present time or now.

Adults tend to think about the future

Think more about the causes and consequences of their actions, and often regret things they didn’t do. As an adult, they can take care of themselves and protect the people they care about.

Adults are often experienced

But not all. Some are lacking experience but the majority of adults are experienced. They have matured because of the knowledge of the experience they had. Also, because of that the adults are capable of think more complicated.

Overall, children are mostly simple-minded, so its easy for them to have fun, to live in the moment. Adult are more complicated in the way of thinking, so its not easy to just feel the fun for them. But due to their complicated mind, they are very likely to feel, to understand. If you ask me which is better, both is my answer. Its not necessary to compare them, its just the way of life. Everything must start from somewhere, and we start as a not so knowing child to become the more understanding adult.

