Six Steps for a Beginner to Do Social Media Networking

Start with one platform

Writer's Dream
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readMar 24, 2024


6 action steps for social media networking for beginners.A cozy place where many people gather to have fun and exchange ideas.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Social media networking is the vehicle that can take your content to the right segment of readers.

What are the benefits of social media?

  1. It takes less time to write a tweet post or any other social media post
  2. You get an idea of the pain points of your readers.
  3. It is the quickest way to test your idea from the audience engagement.
  4. You can market your product(free or paid) with less effort.
  5. You get to interact with the audience daily. It builds a relationship of trust and authenticity.

Keep these tiny points in mind while starting on any social media platform.

#1. Define specific and achievable goals

I am only on Twitter at the moment. So, I will take the example of Twitter through this article. However, you can apply these techniques on all the social media platforms you follow. Set a few daily non — non-negotiable targets.

Write daily 1–2 tweets/tweets thread.

Engage with those tweets you resonate with.

DM at least three people.

#2. Determine what you aim to accomplish

  1. Do you want to build a following?
  2. Do you want to connect with the experts in your field?
  3. Do you want to promote your work?

Draft your tweet content according to what you want to achieve.

#3. Choose the Right Platforms

Choose any one platform when you start. Try to connect with as many people as possible. Post several times a day. When you grow your fanbase, you can experiment with other platforms.

Do not start with multiple platforms.


You will not have time to post on all the platforms,

Your focus will shift in multiple directions,

You will not achieve your goal of networking.

#4. Establish a Consistent Presence

Post daily on Twitter. You cannot have an online presence if you post ten tweets in one day and do not show up for the next ten days.

Experiment with different types of content like listicles, step-by-step processes, graphics, and video.

This way, you can engage your audience.

#5. Engage Authentically

Add comments to the tweets that resonate with you. Try to add value to your comments. It shows you have some different and additional take on the idea in the main idea.

Respond to all the mentions and comments.

#6. Analyze and Adjust

Weekly analyze your social media performance to know what works.

Final Takeaway

In the beginning, you may have thought that nobody would read the comment of a beginner. I had the same belief. But then I started regardless.

I do not have a fanbase yet, but the engagement continues.

So, for the next few weeks, stick to your social media schedule, try every technique you learn, and stick to the one that works for you.

Trust the process and have fun.

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