So I Talk to Animals

Sneha Pastekar
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2022

and I hear them back…

Image by the author Sneha Shringare

Call me crazy, but talking to animals is one thing I feel totally confident about. I am an introvert otherwise who will hesitantly manage eye contact during second meetings. But show me a paw and a tail, and I will be best friends with you and speak at the rate of 1000 words a minute till you avoid eye contact with me. Only kidding, but yes, let me welcome you to the world of magic.

As a telepathic animal communicator, I receive lots of questions and today I intend to simplify the concept and provide clarity on the subject.

First things first, do I meditate or go into a trance to talk to animals?

Not really. I do perform a basic grounding exercise at times, to calm myself and feel more connected to mother Earth. However, talking to animals is equal to having a regular conversation on the telephone. The more clear you are in mind, the more easily you can send and receive messages.

Is it like talking to ghosts?

Trust me if it were anywhere close to that, I would not be practicing it at all. An animal communicator speaks to the awareness, the being, or the energy which is in the form of an animal. The same thought applies when we speak to an animal that is no more in its physical form. Communication is possible in this circumstance as well.

Can we get a lost animal home?

While we do speak to animals who have left home or lost their way, we do not guarantee to get them home. This is simply not our job. We give a voice to animals and tell you (the pet parent) what they intend to share. It is however possible to track them and assist them in getting home, if they want to return, in the first place. This might give you goosebumps, but animals also provide accurate calendar dates, times, and places where they will meet their human again, in certain cases.

Are we a bunch of freaks?

Absolutely, for once you know a love so great, it is impossible to lead mediocre lives.

It is okay if you are skeptical about someone talking in their mind to your animal and sharing information that is anyway common. When you apply logic and question everything, you take a step towards convincing yourself that something does not work. When you surrender and let go you welcome magical possibilities. There you go. Experience it to believe.

I have been an animal communicator for more than two years now and my communication is open to any specie. So far I have interacted with innumerable dogs and cats, rabbits, hares, snakes, lizards, seashells, and birds.

In my learnings and experience, here are some things animals want us to know:

1. They are not inferior to us in any way. Saying things like ‘Animals too have feelings’, humans already mean that apart from us animals as well have a heart. That is not right. Of course, they feel everything that we do. They have equal emotions.

2. Animals like their independence. They do not want to be constantly cuddled, hugged, or picked up. Imagine if someone were to do that to you.

3. They make us calm. Spending quality time with them, and doing their chores, like taking them on walks, brushing, or bathing them emits energy and makes us happy. A light cuddle will heal you every day.

4. Discipline. Animals love when they are around disciplined human beings. If you are punctual and follow a routine with meals, baths, and sleep time for yourself and your pet, sir you have the highest adoration of your furry friend.

5. They appreciate being spoken to. If you are heading out and are likely to return at a certain time, inform your animal as though speaking to a responsible adult. Explain in brief and mention clock time. You will be more surprised to come home a calm and happy animal than an over-excited and jumpy fellow.

I could seriously go on and on, and do I have fun stories to share, but saving something for a later read.

Hope this article fulfills the purpose it is written for, which is to understand animals and animal communicators in a better light. Also, please hug your pet a good night before you tuck in for the night!



Sneha Pastekar
Writers’ Blokke

I love Literature, enjoy reading my heart out, am an animal whisperer and a writer.