So You’re Telling Me That Writing Actually Takes Practice?!

Liana Buenaventura
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
9 min readApr 15, 2020


The 6-Step Daily Practice I’ve Created So I Can Start to Call Myself a “Writer”

Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash

Just over six weeks ago, before COVID-19 became top-of-mind for all of us here in Bali, I expressed to my family and close friends how I wished I had more time to write. The fire to begin my writing career burned so deep in me that I actually turned down one paying consulting gig then asked for my hours to be reduced in another (not knowing of course that four weeks later I’d be temporarily laid off due to the pandemic).

Do I regret those decisions now?

YES. But only because I haven’t actually written anything.

(Okay, that wasn’t accurate. I’ve published one article on Medium. ONE. In SIX WEEKS).

That one article aside, the majority of the past six weeks have been spent consuming an enormous amount of content instead of putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) to create my own. Yes, I’ve written a bunch of ideas and thought-starters in various notebooks, Google Docs and in my Notes app. But that’s all they remain: the start of an idea. Finishing those thoughts? Ha — that’s a whole different (yet to be published) story.

There was so much that I wanted to say, but I lacked the discipline to see…



Liana Buenaventura
Writers’ Blokke

Creating meaningful change @ Learning how I can better serve the world. Writing for The Startup, Better Marketing and Better Advice.