Some Sayings on the Realities of Life


Reyadul Islam
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readAug 28, 2024


Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

Some famous quotes about the reality of life are-

1. “Every man should save money keeping in mind that danger may come in the future.”

2. “As you do, so will you. No god can remove the sorrow from your forehead.”

3. “Great men do not flinch in times of trouble.”

4. “The birth of a person whose birth makes the name of the clan shine is fruitful.”

5. “No matter how powerful one is, no one has the power to control fate.”

6. “If the son is virtuous, it is heaven to the parents.”

7. “No one can beat a strong mind.”

8. “One should think carefully and speak. It is not right to say anything suddenly."

9. “One should not show tenderness to the enemy. He must always be considered dangerous.”

10. “Precious things are usually far away from us. So we have to work hard to get them.”

11. “There is no charity better than the donation of food, nor will there be in the future. The world is fed by food.”

12. “It is wrong to think that a boy says his advice is bad and an old man says his advice is good.”

13. “If the mind is pure, pilgrimage is meaningless.”

14. “No one is our friend or foe by nature, man is our friend or foe only by action.”

15. “A true friend is one who stays with you in festival, in danger, in famine, in struggle with the enemy, in the royal gate and in the crematorium.”

16. “A man is great by his death, not by his birth.”

17. “One should find a way out of danger before danger comes. There is no use in opening a well if there is a fire in the house.”

18. “The night is the moon, the woman is the husband, the earth is the king, but knowledge is the everyone.”

19. “A fickle mind is the greatest hindrance to the attainment of complete knowledge of any subject.”

20. “Giving wealth decreases almost but giving knowledge increases. So knowledge is better than wealth.”

21. “No one can harm the one who forgives. For example, if there is a fire in a place without grass, it goes out immediately.”

22. “Good things are to be found in association with the noble. And in contact with the evil one gets only bad things.”

23. “The desires of the mind should not be eliminated. These desires should be harnessed like the hum of a song.”

24. “Nirguna also becomes virtuous if he shelters the virtuous.”

25. “God is in no form. Your feelings are your god. And the soul is your temple.”

26. “A man should not be too honest. Just as the straight trees in the garden are the first to be cut down, so the dangers of the most honest people come first.”

27. "He who eats and digests, stays away from disease."

28. "Those who are youthful in appearance and of high birth but without learning are as inconsequential as the flower without fragrance."

29. “Even in the midst of a great herd the cub finds its mother. Money always follows him who does similar work.”

30. “There is no better religion than truth, no greater sin than falsehood. Religion stands on truth, so truth should not be abandoned.”

31. “The patient should be treated as long as there is hope. Because you can’t tell what’s in one’s destiny."

32. “Whose language is sweet, whose actions are laborious, whose wealth is devoted to charity, his life is successful.”

33. “One fault devours many virtues.”

34. “Behind every friendship there is some interest. There is no friendship without interest. And this is a bitter truth.”

35. “A miser never knows how to enjoy wealth. A dog is drowning in water and drinks it by licking it with its tongue.”



Reyadul Islam
Writers’ Blokke

Life is a feature that separates bodily entities from biological processes such as signaling and self-sustaining processes.