Somebody Asked Me, “What if God’s Not Real?”

Is there really a Mighty Being? a Creator of all? a Man above?

Zy Del Valle
Writers’ Blokke
4 min readDec 14, 2021


A praying hand placed on top of a Bible
Photo by Luis Quintero from Pexels

God’s existence — one of the world’s greatest mysteries. Doubt is imminent when it comes to faith, for most want a definitive assurance. A photo, maybe?. Or probably an audible speech coming from the skies, preferably with light shining in the midst of it.

We want proof, a human-eye-fitted proof at the very least.

I could never answer it in a way where I could present Him to people like I introduce somebody on a stage. And for me, it’s a mini proof that He is a God, that I could never put Him on a lab bottle.

As an individual who believes in a Supreme Being, how would I answer the question, “What if God’s not real?”. What if all the energy and effort you put in to follow the One you didn’t even meet, are all just a waste?. What if all the resistance and sacrifice you made to refrain from the unnecessary pleasures in life do not amount to anything after you breathe your last breath?

What if your faith, what you believe, is just a mere fairytale, a well-written story at best?

Answering such questions would never mean I have my doubts. I believe, and I will continue to unless after my time is up, and the place is all but pitch black. I’m only answering such questions, for the sake of conversation, with all fairness, with all possible perspectives I could think of, at least.

Now Why?

Historical Proofs

I would never believe someone based purely on how I felt, I would go on and learn as much as I could, so I would never be a blind follower of anything. I won’t go on here to explain everything, but here’s something you could start looking at.

I am a Christian, which means I read the Bible, and I have faith in the God of the Bible. And this Bible, with all the years of existence, is a historical treasure by itself, a book that provides historical accuracy, backed up by historical experts. It was never a made-up story.

Bible accounts are too enormous to be shrugged off. Not only that it serves as a Living Word for us who believes. The Bible is also a collection of facts ready to be read by everyone.

At a point in human history where misinformation is at its peak, you can have confidence reading facts with this one right here.

My Take

Not that my opinion matters, but let me lay it down anyways. I was supposed to be on a path in life where I could hands-down self-destruct. I was stubborn, selfish, prideful, name a mean being trait and I bet I once have those.

Still, I’m not perfect, and I will never be, but at least I’m better. And I would never give credit to myself for changing, cause I don’t do it, at least not alone.

His Word encouraged me to better, made me wise on making good decisions. For so many times made me choose the right thing rather than what is convenient for me. It made me treat the people around me better.

And I hate to break it to you, but I always fail from time to time still, I make mistakes, I hurt people’s feelings, I continue to make stupid choices. But what made me believe more is that He never gives up on me. Whenever I want to get back to my old ways, there is that hope that I could resist living for my own.

I could feel a love that is so pure it will never want me to just follow whatever I want to do, regardless if it’s wrong or right. And I could feel that same love on unexplainable miracles where I made it through life.

Many would say, if it wasn’t for Him also, I would not experience those pain and everything. Only if He just did not make this life for us to suffer. That I cannot explain. But try to look back in life, in humility, and try to see all those times where everything falls apart, and for whatever reason, it works out, out of our hands.

I am a believer of a God, a believer of life after all of this. When it’s all said and done, it would be a win-win for me in believing.

Either I embrace the God I believed in and praise with the greatest joy. Or (and I again, I repeat I am not in doubt), if it is all pitch black in the end, with no life, no meaning, I’ll be saying I had a life well-lived.

A life where I tried my best living to be a good human being. Having that desire to follow a good God, I became a better person.

And by the way, my God has a name, and His name is Jesus.



Zy Del Valle
Writers’ Blokke

I love to talk about life, basketball and anything else. I’m also an Electronics Engineer by profession.