Start off 2022 The Right Way.

Writers’ Blokke
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2022
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

A Cheesy Yet Genuine article from me.

Hope this isn’t how the entire year goes.

Looking back at 2020 and 2021 in the future we may think to ourselves “Ah yes the years of the pandemic” and while that is true I think we ought to look at these years in a good light as well.

At this point you’re probably thinking That I’m a god damn lunatic for saying that but…think about it.

These years through late 2019 to early 2022(and who knows How much longer) has changed the way we do everything. Work, School, Time at home, Vacation plans literally anything and everything was affected by the pandemic.

However…. it’s very unlikely we’ll see anything like this for a while and is it bad that we won’t have a world ending virus on our hands in the next few years?

No of course not the virus or an event that forces the world into such chaos should never come to occur again. But we had to adapt to so many new ways to live that honestly we could be looking back at throughout the coming years…. and kinda miss.

I can probably tell you’re not convinced. You have every right to do so. So let me present an example.

Online School.

NO I’m not calling Online School good by any means oh hell no. In many aspects it way worse than physical school. But in other aspects…. it solved a lot of things.

Previously if a student was..say ill and couldn’t attend school they had no option but to stay home and miss out on a entire day then spend the next few days catching up with everything that happened in school.

As a student let me tell you that sucks, especially if you missed out on for a couple of days. I rarely ever skip school due to illness, but when I did…. man that was a pain.

So Now you know why I didn’t skip school.

But with online school that’s no longer a issue. All a student needs to do is log in, join the call and pay close attention and occasionally jot down some points. They can do this while lying in bed or with the help of somebody else.

It’s something I never took as a major issue but after seeing how it can be remedied…. wow. How many hours of writing notes could have been saved if this was system before.

On a similar note Online school has also led to schools trying out more experimental learning methods as there isn’t a face to face connection that allows for tradition teaching( a good thing in my opinion as Traditional Teaching is flawed).

Granted these methods aren’t…. always polished experiences but at the very least they are there and they shake things up from the mundane routine.

In a similar manner we have work from home which depending on what job could have no effect on you to a HUGE effect.

Perhaps you have more flexible work hours, perhaps different methods are used to get something done, perhaps you have a sense of comfort being at home which increases your workflow and productivity.

When we think of all the negative impacts the pandemic has had on us, of which there are plenty, we rarely tend to think of these sadly. For every negative outcome for something we’ve had we also have many positive elements to it.

SO now how does this relate to how we start off 2022? The pandemic is slowing down significantly and schools and companies will be going back to how everything was and While some of you may prefer it that way….you can’t deny we’re losing something too.

Sick kids are gonna miss school, we won’t get to spend more time with our family stuck at home and more. I hope even after the pandemic is officially over remnants of the unique and quirky things we got upto during these harsh years make it’s way to our normal everyday lives. Everything happens for a reason and god intended this to be. Or fate if you’re a atheist. Perhaps underneath the package God gave us some time to slow down take things at a slower pace. A Pause in our lives if you will.

A full year is ahead of us and Something tells me that this will be the last of the Pandemic Saga. So while we are still stuck in our house, longing out the sky and wondering what’s next how bout we use that time that we’ve been given wisely? We won’t get these moments in time back ever again.

2022 is gonna hold surprises for a lot of us I know it. You know it. And I think we should not only cherish some of the beneficial quirks that the pandemic bought upon us, we should only be prepared for whatever is next.

So here’s to a fruitful 2022. Hopefully there isn’t a another damn variant out by the time this goes up.



Writers’ Blokke

“Never compromise….not even in the face of Armageddon”.