Starting Something New: Blogging

Manu Maccotta
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2021
Smiling person on a sunny day with a turtle neck top
Photo of the author by the author (me)

You might think that after 4 lockdowns and a whole lot of time at home, now would be the time to go outside, enjoy life, and see friends. For most of my friends, starting a new hobby or picking up a new interest was something to do last year, and in some format, they aren’t wrong. Being forced at home seemed like the best time to start something like blogging, but between studying and finding my inner vocations, I found myself spending more time thinking of what to try than actually trying anything.

This brings me to today, the 22nd of November, where for some reason I couldn’t get rid of this feeling of boredom or laziness. Now that everything is opening up (despite COVID still being very much a thing), it’s all about “what” you’re doing, and not “how” you’re doing. Instagram stories are filled with people socializing or going out, and everyone is looking forward to the next party or holiday to go to.

Nevertheless, there are some of us like me who still can’t seem to get over “that” feeling: the one you feel when life seems to pass by too quick, where everything you do is done out of a social construct, and where you want to find a way to not only be happy, but make the world that little bit nicer.

“How does this lead to starting a blog” you may ask? Well … it doesn’t (gotchu ahah). For me, it’s led to trying out new things and exploring new curiosities. I initially decided to document these on YouTube but I started realising how nice sharing stories is and connecting with people over them — that’s where blogging comes in. I wanted to join a community of storytellers, and the community of Medium seems like the place to start!

Dear Medium community — thank you for having me. This is only my first blog so I don’t think many of you will read it, but I hope to make long-lasting connections with you,

and keep taking steps towards answering this unshakable feeling that I mentioned above … let’s enjoy the journey!



Manu Maccotta
Writers’ Blokke

Here to share my curiosities and stories whilst connecting with other creatives and bloggers :)