Stats Comparison: Medium VS News Break

Comparing the performances of one of my stories on both platforms

Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

I’ve been recently approved for the News Break Creator Program, and on Monday 21st of December, I’ve started uploading my content.

The first article I’ve posted on the platform is a 1-month old piece I wrote for Medium.

The one thing I noticed after only a few hours is the HUGE difference in the numbers of viewers of the article.

You can clearly see when the article was posted (12/21/2020 9.40 CET) and the numbers of impressions, page views, and shares collected in only three days. The screenshot was taken on the 24th around 12.00 CET.

The same story, “9 Traits of Emotionally Immature People” was published on Medium on the 23rd of November.

Screenshot of the article stats on Medium — Author

As you can notice, the story received only 282 views in a month on Medium, while it had 4,298 views in three days on News Break. The story on News Break also counts 20 comments to date against the 3 on Medium. The piece was also chosen for further distribution on Medium.




Writers’ Blokke

I write to share my passions and personal experiences. Follow me if you are curious about food, travel, money & human behavior.