Stay True to The Process

In an era of instants, find joy in waiting.

Zy Del Valle
Writers’ Blokke
4 min readOct 16, 2021


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

We are living at the fastest pace ever in human history.

Messages are delivered with a snap of a finger. Meals only take 5 minutes to get served. Paying bills is not requiring you to go outside of your home anymore. Charging a phone now only needs less than an hour. We humans indeed come a long way. Even shopping found its way as going to malls is not even necessary.

With that being said, people tend to get things done hastily. We always want to see results real quick. We can’t wait to catch sight of the light at the end of the tunnel.

Why don’t we take a breather? Relax, and enjoy life as it presents itself.

Here are some points on how you could navigate in the middle as you wait for victories to come.

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Look Back

Try to see your life in retrospect. Some of us don’t even know how we got through tough times, how we got here.

How did we pass that subject that we thought would push us out of college? How did we survive life with the little we have? How did we somehow manage to pull it off even when the greatest of odds are stacked against us?

My point is, at least once in our lives, we lack the vision of what’s to come. We don’t even have a single hint of where the road leads to.

And yet, here you are, standing.

Photo by Lukas Hartmann from Pexels

Live in the moment

So why don’t we enjoy the process? Why don’t we make the most of it?

The low salaries that we have. The anxiety whether are we doing something worth the while. The jitters every time we sense the pressure of being successful.

I get it this one’s a cliche but, everything will happen in the right place, at the right time. Possibly, the very moment you didn’t expect it to come.

And as you wait for that moment. Pick up that book to be the best possible student you can be. Ride that 50-mile travel to get to work. Roll up your sleeves and be the hardest worker in the room.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Do what you have to do

Enough with the petty excuses.

Sleepy or not, rise when that alarm sounds. Stop pointing fingers, and start acting with those hands. Show up to that gym the earliest, and be the last one to leave. Find that extra gear of patience, and don’t quit the fight.

Not everything will make sense right now, and that’s a fact. But best believe that glory and excellence finds the worthy.

Rather than counting results, try to assess where you are as a person. And that’s the most important thing. Keep yourself from comparing your journey to others. Instead, measure your journey from how long of a way you’ve come.

Photo by Rafel AL Saadi from Pexels

Hope as you strive

One thing you build along the process is patience. And as you develop calmness through patience, you establish hope.

Hope is very essential to our well-being. Hope helps you ease the anxiety of the present. Hope recognizes your triumphs in the past. And hope fortifies your belief that the best is yet to come.

Hope confronts our eagerness to see the end of the line. Hope allows us to wait, and hope becomes our source of peace.

Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

In time, you’ll be great.

Skipping the process only saves you time.

Of course, there is no time to waste — life is short. But make most of that time setting yourself up for greatness. On top of that, immersion through it all will build your character. Don’t miss out on that opportunity while waiting.

Success is not achieved overnight. Moreover, success will not step on your front door on its own while you are doing nothing.

Greatness comes at a price, and it’s a price you should be willing to pay.

Stay true to the process, and you’ll soon find the process being true to you too.



Zy Del Valle
Writers’ Blokke

I love to talk about life, basketball and anything else. I’m also an Electronics Engineer by profession.