
Talaya McCain
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
May 19, 2021
Photo by Gaspar Uhason Unsplash

Always right before the finish line,

empathizing with the other losers.

Lets build a protest to distract ourselves from our lack of will power, VIVA LOS SNOOZERS!

Always right before the finish line,

Disappointing my potential.

Loathing my loathing,

Discrediting my credentials.

Always right before the finish line,

Camping out with the other low minds.

Licking each others healed wombs, validating each other’s self crimes.

Always right before the finish line, one day I’ll find the temperance.

But, this day, I’ll appease my hinderance.

Thank you for reading, please a comment so I can check some of your work out.



Talaya McCain
Writers’ Blokke

I am a neuro-chemical that triggers levels of dopamine and norepinephrine to increase.... Spotify: @talayamccain