The 4 Pillars Of Getting Content In Front Of Medium Readers

You should focus on two of these

Writers’ Blokke


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This is Medium 101.

Let’s skip the fancy intro and cut straight to the point here.

On Medium, there are 4 ways readers will find and hopefully read your stories.

#1 The follow button

The most basic way of getting your content in front of readers is Medium’s follower architecture. Anyone can follow you. Any Medium user, that is. External readers can’t follow without creating an account.

Followers are both, a vanity metric and a meaningful measurement for new Medium writers. Let’s dive deeper:

  1. Followers are a vanity metric because the follower count in it of itself has very little to do with views, reads, fans, and earnings on Medium. Ask big names like Tom Kuegler. He has over 50K followers and yet, on average, less than 1% of these followers read his posts. This is partly due to Medium’s algorithm and partly due to the fact that many followers aren’t really interested in reading. They just follow. Either to get a follow back or to see what other writers are up to.
  2. Followers are meaningful for newcomers, because since the end of 2021, you need 100 followers to get into the Medium partner program and…



Writers’ Blokke

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