The Best Advice for “Living Your Best Life” I Discovered This Week

January 16, 2021, through January 22, 2021

Rebecca Kojetin
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

No matter who you are, this is the week the USA has made a change. The presidency has been transferred from President Trump to President Biden.

I for one don’t want to hear any BS or praise for either gentleman. I got too caught up in the primaries and the election for my own sanity.

I was trying to get this article out weekly on Saturdays, and you probably realize that this is Sunday and not Saturday. I know, I missed my own personal deadline, and I know, that if you have become a reader that I probably disappointed you. For that I am sorry.

BUT, my delay was not without good reason. Before I get into the “Best Advice,” I must share an article I wrote in May 2020 “The Real-Life Nightmare I’ll Never Wish on Anyone Who’s Dealing With Dialysis.” Our road for the past two years has been difficult and full of major life hurdles and changes. I thought I’d share the positive news regarding our journey.

Friday after (2:48 to be exact) I got a phone call from Hubby to be ready to get him to the hospital in Nashville, pronto. At 2:51, he called back to say they wanted him to finish dialysis and then get to the hospital. (Isn’t technology wonderful so you can go back and…



Rebecca Kojetin
Writers’ Blokke

Health and Life Coach and Writer. I work with people to help them become the best version of themselves.