The (Copy)writer’s Dilemma

How do we sell ourselves just as we are?

Camille Prairie
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

Selling authenticity is one of the hardest things I think I’ve ever done- but here I go again. Writing this piece was a good reminder that I started writing as an effort to document my experience as a quasi-adult trying to find her voice in public, in all of my messy, human glory.

I don’t talk a lot about my “other life” here on Medium that much, but today feels like a good time to fully introduce you to Camille the Copywriter.

She knows that:

  • headlines matter
  • people have short attention spans
  • it’s important to catch the attention of your readers YESTERDAY
  • People love free stuff more than they love you
  • A lot of other things about optimizing articles so search engines find them
  • An online presence is everything
  • You make the most money by selling people what you know( or pretend to know)
  • Email. Lists.
  • hyperlinks! backlinks! all the links!

At least, that’s what she’s been told. Camille, the girl who writes these newsletters that land in your inbox every day, is a little different:

