The December Medium Writing Challenge

Write what you want and don’t check your stats

Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Guneet Jassal on Unsplash

Ahh, December — it’s cold, it’s nearly Christmas and the heating bills are high.
To be honest I’m not a fan. Winter makes me feel sad, (damn you seasonal depression) and I’m less motivated than at any other time of year.

This does not bode well for my writing.

So, I decided to set myself a challenge on Medium as it’s the one place I can do what I like. Writing challenges are good for you. It gives you a deadline, a goal and an opportunity to try something new.

Care to join me? Or set your own writing challenge? I’ll update you on how I got on at the end of the month.

Step 1: Write what you want

I don’t know about you but I find myself wanting to write like other people on Medium.

Then I had a realisation — there are no rules here and you can write whatever you want!

This is my plan for December, I’m not following any set style or writing about certain topics.

Anything goes, if you want to write fiction do that or if you find an interesting topic that’s allowed. Having no rules means freedom. It might help me (and you) find topics that we love but have never…



Writers’ Blokke

Usually writing or taking pictures — remote worker and part-time freelance tutor, editor, and writer. Following my dream to be an author