The Easy Way to Dramatically Improve How You Convey Emotion Through Writing & Speaking

The 3 minutes it takes you to read this will change how you communicate.

Lyuba G
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

What’s the worst reaction someone can have to your writing?

It’s not rage, fear, or repulsion.

It’s boredom.

As a writer your main goal is to elicit emotion in your reader, otherwise they’ll have no reason to stick around or remember what you said.

Here’s how to do that.

The easy way to add more emotion to your words

For some writers infusing their words with emotion comes naturally.

For others (like me) it takes extra effort. I’ve read dozens of articles and books explaining how to use storytelling and punchy power words.

Sure, that all helps.

But no matter how many power words you pack into a sentence, you’ll struggle to trigger genuine emotion unless your words are backed up by real feelings.

So here’s the easiest way to infuse your writing with genuine emotion:

  1. Before you start to write or speak, think about what you want your audience to feel.



Lyuba G
Writers’ Blokke

Professional Copywriter turning life's adventures into stories about personal growth, writing & travel ✨