How You Can Use Fries and Mayonnaise to Tell Your Story

A writing analogy that suddenly makes a whole lot of sense.

Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Dom J from Pexels

Guilty: I love mayonnaise. It goes well with almost everything. And where I live, fries are a thing.

Vrijdag-frietdag is a common ritual. It means eating fries on Fridays. To do that, you go to a thing called a snackbar (yep, the ‘Dutch’ word is written like that). There’s one in practically every neighbourhood.

A snackbar is a place where fries and snacks are sold. The fried snacks you can choose from are displayed in a vitrine. Or you take them from a vending machine. They’re often accompanied by a sauce of your choice. And of course, fries.

Preferably the classic fries.

The ones from non-processed freshly cut potatoes. The thick bare-bones fries. They still taste like a potato from the inside, are crunchy on the outside and have just a tiny dash of salt.

The fries represent the story to tell

Your reader comes to your story for the fries.

You wouldn’t eat mayonnaise without the fries, right? The mayonnaise is optional and depends on taste. Of course, if you know how to pair the fries and mayonnaise well, do your thing!



Writers’ Blokke

Applied psychologist in training. Strives to improve mental health and sleep quality to boost your well-being.