The grey in our beards.

Life’s subtle marks.

Dr. Jeremy Divinity
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readDec 12, 2023


Photo by Natalia Blauth on Unsplash

We all had a bit of grey in our beards.

Distinguished? Maybe.

Yet, I guess it’s something that just comes with age.

We’ve aged and are starting to have the greys to show it.

I only have one. A single strand of hair. A lone grey that has made its presence known amidst the backdrop of unaged hairs that adorn my face.

Some had more grey than others, but we all shared this distinct quality of subtle greyness.

The grey that distinctively puts you above the facial spectrum of being carded for alcohol but not yet nearing AARP. The grey that marks you as a maturing 30-something-year-old adult, yet marked by life’s stress. The grey that signals out to you, “Hey, hey, you’re aging!” but simultaneously, you realize that it handsomely frames your face as a gentleman with a salt and pepper beard (something like Idris Elba).

I like my one grey hair, subtly making its presence known. It took me a bit to reach this point, but acceptance sets in.

That’s an underlying theme of time — acceptance — especially what it does to our bodies.

We are mortal, after all, and we quite no longer accept the phrases that themed our adolescents — YOLO.

Yes, you only live once, but life comes at you fast (see grey hairs), and you better accept it.

I’m looking forward to more greys coming in to adorn my beard. I’ve already lost my hair due to baldness, so it’s my only hope of holding onto something.

We all had a bit of grey in our beards. Handsome aint it? Some still had hair, some didn’t (see me).

Life comes at you fast; let the greys appear.

But as I stood there, gazing at each of our unique blends of greys, I realized that these strands were more than just a sign of time passing or aging they were symbols of our journeys and experiences that were etched into our very being.

The moments of laughter, the moments of resilience, and the moments of triumph — all interwoven within these subtle speckles.

We embraced each other with our newly found greys in our beards, reminded that life isn’t just in the vigor of youthfulness but is also about the grace and character that time bestows.

Here’s to more greys, more stories, and more life experiences to capture the wisdom that marks our faces.



Dr. Jeremy Divinity
Writers’ Blokke

Exploring ways of being. Critical Scholar, Strategist, Writer. Located in Los Angeles @Dr.Yermzus on Instagram.