The Hat Tip: Redoing An Old Phrase

Priya Sridhar
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2021


The phrase “Gratitude” always annoys me and it’s my pet peeve that it’s used in self-care. Authority figures keep telling you to be happy with your situation, to accept things as they are. They then get annoyed when you want to express that some situations do not call for putting a positive spin on things. That means it’s a lot harder to fight for change or to center yourself and admit that you need to be different.

I’ve been looking for an alternative phrase, especially for Thanksgiving. It’s a time to give thanks, in the middle of some changes around the world, and things that have remained the same. I feel like it’s time for change to this concept and find an appropriate synonym. That will be an ongoing journey. The hat tip may be a suitable alternative.

Why Is Gratitude An Obligation

One of the worst things to tell a kid having a tantrum is that “there are starving children in Somalia. They have it much worse, so you should pipe down and not kvetch about your problems.” I have been told a variant of this, as well as kids that would use wheelchairs to deal with genetic disability and they, would remain cheerful and happy. It was usually when I was at my brattiest, owing to puberty or being the baby of the family.



Priya Sridhar
Writers’ Blokke

A 2016 MBA graduate and published author, Priya Sridhar has been writing fantasy and science fiction for fifteen years, and counting.