The Impact of Great Teachers (Poem)

Favour Olumese
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
1 min readOct 10, 2023
Background image: Man with a boy seated. The boy’s leg is on a ball. Background text: “Anyone can teach, but to pass knowledge, it takes an extra effort to understand how each student learns” (Favour Olumese).
Photo by Sebastián León Prado on Unsplash

Have you ever felt like giving up,
Until you met that teacher or mentor?
Have you ever felt you could never understand that course,
Until they came into your life?

The way they teach seems to be
All you ever wanted.
They simplify the simple
And make the hard easy.

They notice your reluctances and laziness,
And ensure you are not slacking.
They are always ready to listen and reiterate when they sense you are lost.
They patiently answer your not-so-make-sense questions.

It was like they should always be your guide,
And you never forgot them,
Even after many years
Of being their student.

It is men and women like them
Who strive to not just explain the concept,
But to pass knowledge even beyond the curriculum,
We call teachers.

Anyone can teach,
But to pass knowledge,
It takes an extra effort
To understand how each student learns.

Thank you!
For the hope and inspiration you give
When the doubt creeps in.
Happy Teachers’ Day!



Favour Olumese
Writers’ Blokke

Favour Olumese is a lover of the creative use of words who utilises poetry & non-fiction to relate humanity and divinity in this ticking phase called life.