The Jon Gruden Story Highlights the Sad State of Sports Journalism

Objectivity is a hard thing to find.

Writers’ Blokke


Cartoon by Lambert-King

The recent revelations concerning Las Vegas head coach, Jon Gruden, came as a bombshell for many. But it’s hard to imagine that NFL insiders were unaware of Gruden’s attitude. After all, Gruden’s offensive emails were sent to the Washington Football Team owner, Daniel Snyder. At the time, the Washington Football Team was known as, the Washington Redskins.

Based on the team’s name, it could probably be assumed that their owner wasn’t a bastion of cultural or ethnic sensitivity. I can’t imagine Gruden using the terms in those emails to someone who wasn’t comfortable hearing them.

In addition to being the president of the Washington Redskins, Bruce Allen had another job, editor.

Generally speaking, I have doubts about any sports talking head who’s deemed an “insider.” The Daniel Snyder emails that outed Jon Gruden also had an impact on ESPN Football Insider, Adam Shefter. It seems that Schefter sentRedskins president Bruce Allen a story before it was published. In the email, Schefter referred to Allen as, “Mr. Editor.” That seems a little cozy to me.



Writers’ Blokke

You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.